Should your school district have a mask mandate if the CDC recommends it?
My priority as a board member is to keep our kids safe and in school.
Is it accurate to say that we are beholden to the Hamilton Co Board of Health quarantine mandates as a state public school?
Actually, everyone, both public and private schools, is beholden to Hamilton County Board of Health.
More than the CDC recommendations are the quarantine mandates that they actually enforce through our local Hamilton County Board of Health.
My priority as a board member is to keep our kids safe and in school. Last year, I was instrumental in managing mandates/recommendations in keeping our kids in school. We were one of less than a 25% of the districts in the state to be in person the whole year. As information came in, showing little in-school transmission, we pushed to reduce quarantine from 14 days, to 10, to 7 and then zero.
Fortunately, we still saw little in any in-school transmission. This year, we have universal masking for our elementary, as masking is the only method allowed to keep close contacts out of quarantine. In our upper levels, where students can mask or vaccine their way out of quarantine, we recommend but do not require masks. The information on in-school transmission continues to be shared with Hamilton County public health and I am very hopeful that it will continue to show that one of the safest places to be in our community is in the classroom.
My priority as a board member is to keep our kids safe and in school.
Is it accurate to say that we are beholden to the Hamilton Co Board of Health quarantine mandates as a state public school?
Actually, everyone, both public and private schools, is beholden to Hamilton County Board of Health.
More than the CDC recommendations are the quarantine mandates that they actually enforce through our local Hamilton County Board of Health.
My priority as a board member is to keep our kids safe and in school. Last year, I was instrumental in managing mandates/recommendations in keeping our kids in school. We were one of less than a 25% of the districts in the state to be in person the whole year. As information came in, showing little in-school transmission, we pushed to reduce quarantine from 14 days, to 10, to 7 and then zero.
Fortunately, we still saw little in any in-school transmission. This year, we have universal masking for our elementary, as masking is the only method allowed to keep close contacts out of quarantine. In our upper levels, where students can mask or vaccine their way out of quarantine, we recommend but do not require masks. The information on in-school transmission continues to be shared with Hamilton County public health and I am very hopeful that it will continue to show that one of the safest places to be in our community is in the classroom.